Happy Saint Patrick's Day '06

Today, We remember St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. As a teenager, Patrick was kidnapped from his parents home by pirates and was sold as a slave in Ireland. During captivity, he learned to entrust his life to God. Years later, he escaped and studied to be a priest. He returned to Ireland as a missionary and a bishop. He used a shamrock to teach about the "Trinity". The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit are three persons but one God. (For there are three that bear record in heaven,the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:and these three are one - 1 John 5:7). By the time St. Patrick died in the year 461, a great many Irish families had been baptized into the Catholic church.
Alessandro (Gab) poses as St. Patrick and Gianpaolo (Paolo) as St. Francis Xavier from last year's St. Patrick's Day celebration in our home school. Costumes courtesy of Mommy. Francesco's photo was taken the other day, March 14. God Bless to all!